Tuesday 22 May 2012

Scotland day 4 - no Red Squirrels

Flushed with our success with the Ospreys yesterday despite the sun being in the wrong place, we decided to head back to the same spot this morning, when the sun should have been in the right place.

The birds were still there, and delightfully, the male was off catching fish which he brought back for his partner.  I tried to use a 2x teleconverter but this was not a success (images not sharp) and reverted back to the Sigma 120 - 400mm lens on its own.  Was able to get some nice shots.  We were joined by a local twitcher who generously shared his knowledge of what had been seen where, much appreciated.  Told us where we might catch Red Squirells at a local garden centre that also ran a tea and cake shop with a big window onto a feeder viewing area

Sadly although we had tea and cake the squirrels were a no show.  Lots of birds though and we were assured the Squirrels had been seen in the morning.  Next Stop was the RSPB Osprey reserve where Red Squirrels had also been regularly seen.......nope none there either.  Last stop was a feeding station in the woods that our new friend had told us about, found it after a while, lots of nuts in the feeders but no Squirrells.  We waited around a bit just in case and I took a short nap.  I didn't miss anything! Red Squirrells then so far, are ones that got away.

Whilst on the move, we stopped at the highest beach in Britain, very surreal to be in the sun, on a beach, with people skiing in the mountains you can see behind you.

This evening will be spent trying to do dramatic landscape shots on some Lochs, and tomorrow its back to the Chanonry Point for a second crack at the Dophins and we're also got a Dolphin trip on a boat booked (so probably won't happen for one reason or another).

Should be fun.

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