Monday, 14 November 2011

Locked out!!

Never done it before but yesterday I locked myself out of my car!! I was taking photo's of friends racing Karts at the outdoor Kart track near Caxton Cambridgeshire Kartsport. All had gone well but I needed to switch to a wider angle lens for the trophy presentations, and also change memory card.  In the rush I put my keys down on the boot floor, changed the bits over and slammed the tailgate and that was it.

Ah well, got some nice pictures though including some chaps on Pit Bikes, which I'd never heard of.

A good time to use my Sigma 120 - 400mm telephoto, which is a lovely lens for this kind of work..  I shot most on shutter priority. leaving the camera to adjust aperture, I'd also set ISO to 400 so the camera had enough space to work in.  If you don't do this, and the scene gets too dark, once the camera has reached maximum aperture (lowest f number) your images will start to go dark.

The Kart set can be seen here Kart set

My Flickr Photstream

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