Hundreds of people had made the trip, and we were all hemmed in between some sand dunes and a picket fence. A peaceful quiet chance to watch the seals this is not. I fully understand the need to protect the wildlife and balance this with public access so there's not much else to be done, and to be honest it was good to see so many parents bringing children along and hopefully instilling a sense of wonder that leads to respect for nature as they get older.
But for me, photographically it was ultimately disappointing. As we are all in the same spot with very limited angles, most images will look the same (OK some pictures will be tighter depending on the lens used, but that's about it). Its not possible to get a low POV shot as the fence is in the way (you'd probably get trampled too).
And then there are the Seals themselves, quite cute especially the pups, but ...well... they just lie there most of the time! so not very dynamic.
Should you go, well yes, go and experience it, and I'll be jealous if you get a fantastic image different from the zillions of others out there.

Donna Nook - Beach and viewing area closed to all visitors
An unusually high tide has washed away part of the fence and damaged the path. Seals are spread throughout the public viewing area, pups have become separated from their mothers and some pups have been washed out to sea.
The viewing area is currently closed to all visitors. The distressed seals need peace and quiet in order for mothers to relocate their pups. In addition, with seals within the public viewing area, public safety cannot be guaranteed.
The viewing area is currently closed to all visitors. The distressed seals need peace and quiet in order for mothers to relocate their pups. In addition, with seals within the public viewing area, public safety cannot be guaranteed.
(28 November 2011)
Info on Donna NookMy Seal set on Flickr
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