Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Adobe- Give Lightroom a "back" button....please.

I'm really hoping that as a result of this post, someone will point out that I'm being an idiot and have overlooked this feature and its already there.  But I've Google'd and can't find an answer and it is driving me nuts.

In Lightroom "Develop" module, there is a handy "History" function that records the changes you've made to an image and this is great, but its not where I would like to see a "Back" button.

I would like to see a "Back" button in the Library section, that acts like a breadcrumb keeping track of the images I have looked at in the current session.  This way I can flit backwards and forwards between images that I've looked at that may be in different folders or collections without trying to remember where they are.  Think of it as the backwards and forwards buttons on a web browser that take you through the webpages you've visited.  See the mock up below.

Mock up of how the Lightroom Back button feature could look.

I think it would be a great addition, and if its already there........I'm an idiot!

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