Thursday, 8 December 2011

Retrospective - not a bad year for my photography

Someone appreciating one of your pictures is always nice, though as judges always say "As long as you like it thats all that matters" before tearing one of your prints to pieces!  Still as I say it is nice when someone pays you a compliment and indeed it can spur you on to create more.

Recognition can take a number of forms though.  I was reflecting on the past year, as you do in December and actually its been a good year. 

In the St Neots & District Camera Club league competition I won the Novice Colour Print category and tied first in the Monochrome category with Claire Copley (check out her flower shots).

At the Clubs annual exhibition I picked up best monochrome for "Foggy Reeds"


Only downside to that is I got moved up to "experienced" group, much tougher so not doing so well so far this year.

On the non competition side, Photoplus magazine found a couple of my images on Flickr, which they have asked to put on their cover disc gallery.

Flickr also found three of my images "Interesting" and they made the Explored top 500.

And just this week I've been invited to join Getty images too.

I wonder what 2012 holds in store!

Flickr Photostream

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